TE Logging

The system generates messages concerning the operation of the system and logs them to the bea\Deltek\TE6\DeltekTEServer\logs directory.

It uses a set number of files of limited size and rotates them to store a finite number of log records. These files are numbered in the order of their creation, with the most recent named DeltekTEServer.log. Use the screens documented in this section to filter the messages that are logged and to set priorities based on their categories.

When you select the Deltek TE Logging level, Global Settings level, or Log Categories level,  screens displaying the following text will appear:

  • Changes made here take effect immediately without restarting Weblogic server.
  • These changes are not saved and are lost the next time Weblogic is restarted.
  • Warning: Changing log levels may involve a significant performance penalty.